Friday 25 May 2012

Restart & Asylum Challenge

I've had to restart my games on my wife's laptop as my laptop is in it's last few throes of life.

So, things in Pleasantview are back to default. I have however, played as the Goodie family and started a new challenge, so here's all the details:


I always think of the Goodie family as being kind of a replacement for the Oldie family (as I assume you're not meant to just install them all at once, so then the Oldies'll have died off) but I play them both differently.

Faith & Herbert got some jobs but both have unachievable lifetime wants given their age but I did make them adopt a child, Regina who has now studied all optional skills (Parenting, Fire Safety etc.) and all the normal skills, such as Cooking to maximum. She's just gone off to Sim State University to study Art to pursue a culinary career.

Faith & Herbert'll probably adopt another child when Regina is done with university. Next up is:

Asylum Challenge

Rules are here at Scout Sims.

I made the "Region" family, and made Hoenn (the sane one), Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Unova, Orre, Corna (from Pokémon Quartz) and Pokétopia as the other inmates.

Everything is going okay. Hoenn's lifetime want is to earn 100,000 simoleons, which he should achieve. No fire yet, some Sims have fallen asleep on the floor, some have pissed themselves but nobody has died yet and Hoenn has a good career in politics and a bit of a love life too.

Right, think that's all. Next time then.

This has been posted using BlogPress, so forgive any strange borders around photos.